Featured / Local

The Great Pickup Game List

Photo:Daniel Gajdamowicz

One of the most common questions we get here at PSP is: Where can I find a good pickup game?

Typically, we’d point people toward this great list of pickup games in the Philly area, which is linked under our Local Soccer menu on this site. Often we’d invite them to the games we play in.

But now our list is outdated and just kinda sorta OK. So it’s time to get it back up to date so it can be of more use to you.

So PSP readers, we’re asking for your help.

Please tell us what pickup games you know of in the Philly area. They can be anywhere from south Jersey and Philly on out to the Main Line and the Lehigh Valley. Our goal is to create a comprehensive list so people who are looking for games can find them if they want to.

You can post the info on the games below to the Comments section of this post, let us know via our Contact page (which has also been updated and improved), or email me at dwalsh@phillysoccerpage.com. Please include the day, time, location (preferably an address or intersection so we can put a Google Maps link to it), and any special notes players should be aware of. For a sense of what information we’re looking for, check out our Pickup Games page.

Thanks for your help.


  1. Kensington Josh says:

    I got together with some Haitian guys I used to play with, and this twenty two year old kid showed up and ran circles around us thirty and forty something fogies. So while I hope someone tells me about some good games in Fishtown, No Libs and Kensington, I understand why some of us keep our good games off the interwebs.

    • Yeah, totally understandable. What we’re looking for are the games that people are willing to open up to new players.

      • What about young guys who havent really played soccer?

      • If there’s a game targeted toward those guys, absolutely share it. If you’re starting a new game, share it. The idea is to connect disparate people with each other. I can remember bouncing around Philly during the summer looking for midweek games (Saturday was Casa and Sunday was my regular pickup), and when I eventually found one, guys were like, “Yeah, absolutely. Bring friends.” They wanted more players.

  2. I have been to a pickup game on Sundays at 1:00 a couple times right near the intersection of ford and chamounix dr. Not sure how big it gets, but more information can be found here. http://www.meetup.com/PIck-up-soccer-Philadelphia/

  3. There used to be a game on Sundays on Evesham road near Virtua hospital in Cherry Hill. Anyone know if that is still happening?

    • happens every Sunday from 9:00 till 12:00 great place to play in the summer: Sometimes they have up to 3 games in that one location. Be early to be in the more competitive game but all n all we are there to have fun

  4. I’m trying to get casual games started in the Reading, PA area. I started a Facebook group if anyone is interested: https://www.facebook.com/groups/223728731074712/

    There are only a few of us so far so there are no games scheduled. I’m just looking to get guys and girls of all levels of experience together to play.

  5. During the summer months, on weekday evenings usually starting around 6pm until the lights go out, there’s always a pickup (sometimes two) going on at the Tarken Playground, Levick & Summerdale Aves in Philadelphia.

  6. Dan Walsh says:

    Thanks for continuing to add game info here. We’ll be compiling them in a few weeks to update the page. So if you know of open games, please continue to add the info here.

  7. Maybe you can do a separate article about summer leagues. I know several players who’d like to play but don’t know where to look.

  8. I’m looking to start/ find a casual pick up game Mondays or Fridays in the Woodbury area. We already have a couple guys interested in playing, but we would love to go up to 11 v. 11.

    • Dan Walsh says:

      Scott, can I post your email address on the pickup game page so people can contact you if they’re interested? I should get around to finally updating the pickup game page this month.

  9. We have almost 300 members and are looking to expand the games outside of the fairmont area to reach all 300. join up! and suggest a field!

  10. I want a sunday night game here Thomas Williams Park
    Wyncote, PA 19095

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